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YTB Kisubi includes youth ages 15-24 with youth leaders and 15+ strong members. They laid the groundwork for photovoiceYTB projects focused on Health Education & Reproductive Rights.

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Photovoice Training and Forms

Photovoice Videos

YTB Kisubi - Reciprocity Rising

Call To Action (CTA): Know your Needs, Options, and Workable Solutions for Health Education and Reproductive Rights.

Who to CTA: Ourselves, Our Peers and Near Peers, Community Leaders, our youth-adult partners, and intergenerational elders.


Photovoice Topics

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Personal Hygiene

Life is our business

Making reusable pads - Makes a difference in our lives.

What is shown in this photo?

YTB Kisubi youth leader making reusable sanitary pads.

Why was this photo taken?

Emphasis to help less privileged girls in the community.

Where was this photo taken?

Inside the tailoring room

Personal Hygiene

Distributing reusable pads to photovoiceYTB community members

Those with little - Help others anyway.

What is shown in this photo?

YTB Kisubi Team, male & female - photovoiceYTB outreach

Why was this photo taken?

Within 4 months of photovoiceYTB - YTB Kisubi improves community health, shifts mindsets - a little bit of good is a good thing

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District


Unnatural environmental clean up

Trash does not pick itself up.

What is shown in this photo?

Picking and safely disposal of plastic wastes in the area

Why was this photo taken?

There very many people living there and there is improper disposal of plastic wastes. Fishermen use a plastic fishing net (goose like) that they see as a minor thing, but we found out that this net once it gets into the soil it doesn't rot and therefore traps all the rubbish and goes directly into the lake which is very dangerous to the fish's life.

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District


Talking with Chairman of fishing area

Being the change requires an alliance with local authorities.

What is shown in this photo?

Chairman of the place showing the youths the dangerous plastic net the fishermen use is illegal and is very dangerous to the environment.

Why was this photo taken?

To show how the YTB youths have involved the chairman in the process of keeping the environment safe from the plastic hazards

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District


Youths discussing sanitation needs at Bugiri site - photovoiceYTB

Youth answering the call and stepping up as ChangeMakers for better sanitation.

What is shown in this photo?

Youths explaining the need for the pit latrine as they found human wastes disposed in polyethylene bags.

Why was this photo taken?

To show the need for the pit latrine to improve sanitation.

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District


Community Clean-up at landing site by YTB Kisubi.

YTB Kisubi is bringing new thinking to improve sanitation at Bugiri landing site. This is what leading by example looks like.

What is shown in this photo?

Youths and leaders of YTB-Kisubi doing general cleaning at the landing site

Why was this photo taken?

To show the activity which was done

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District

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Photovoice Exhibit Displays

photovoiceYTB includes dialogue and selection of photos to exhibit and present to local authorities, community leaders, and people in power in a Call-To-Action that enlists their help to bring about change for better communities - The Co-Production Imperative.

Personal Hygiene


Life is our business

Making reusable pads - Makes a difference in our lives.

What is this photo showing?

YTB Kisubi youth leader making reusable sanitary pads.

Why is this photo important?

Emphasis to help less privileged girls in the community.

Where was this photo taken?

Inside the tailoring room

Personal Hygiene


Distributing reusable pads to photovoiceYTB community members

Those with little - Help others anyway.

What is this photo showing?

YTB Kisubi Team, male & female - photovoiceYTB outreach

Why is this photo important?

Within 4 months of photovoiceYTB - YTB Kisubi improves community health, shifts mindsets - a little bit of good is a good thing

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District



Unnatural environmental clean up

Trash does not pick itself up.

What is this photo showing?

Picking and safely disposal of plastic wastes in the area

Why is this photo important?

There very many people living there and there is improper disposal of plastic wastes. Fishermen use a plastic fishing net (goose like) that they see as a minor thing, but we found out that this net once it gets into the soil it doesn't rot and therefore traps all the rubbish and goes directly into the lake which is very dangerous to the fish's life.

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District



Talking with Chairman of fishing area

Being the change requires an alliance with local authorities.

What is this photo showing?

Chairman of the place showing the youths the dangerous plastic net the fishermen use is illegal and is very dangerous to the environment.

Why is this photo important?

To show how the YTB youths have involved the chairman in the process of keeping the environment safe from the plastic hazards

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District



Youths discussing sanitation needs at Bugiri site - photovoiceYTB

Youth answering the call and stepping up as ChangeMakers for better sanitation.

What is this photo showing?

Youths explaining the need for the pit latrine as they found human wastes disposed in polyethylene bags.

Why is this photo important?

To show the need for the pit latrine to improve sanitation.

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District



Community Clean-up at landing site by YTB Kisubi.

YTB Kisubi is bringing new thinking to improve sanitation at Bugiri landing site. This is what leading by example looks like.

What is this photo showing?

Youths and leaders of YTB-Kisubi doing general cleaning at the landing site

Why is this photo important?

To show the activity which was done

Where was this photo taken?

Bugiri landing site, Wakiso District

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